Negative adjectives to describe a place
Negative adjectives to describe a place

negative adjectives to describe a place

Because the only one that comes to mind is “Quiet”. Positive Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe a Placeīefore writing this article and doing some searching, it is kind of hard for me to think of even two adjectives that start with the letter Q to describe a place. Howard and delivered an expurgated version of her quondam husband’s invitation to join the party.ĭefinition: shared by or involving four partiesĮxample: The vault is of a plain quadripartite arrangement. Synonyms: ratable, numerical, and computableĮxample: This seminar starts from a purely quantitative concept of lexical collocation.Įxample: He went back to Mrs. Positive Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe an Eventĭescriptive words that start with Q in this section all seem unfamiliar, but you can use them in essay writings or daily talks, you’ll surely impress others.ĭefinition: in a state, or period of inactivity, or dormancyĮxample: It has been quiescent since 1566, and is now completely extinct.ĭefinition: of, or occurring every day dailyĮxample: Taking the dog on a walk is a quotidian event for the old couple.ĭefinition: relating to, or using four channels for the transmission, or reproduction of sound, or recordingĮxample: He created a new quadraphonic performance space for his acoustic voice.ĭefinition: being, or relating to a system of telegraphy by which two messages in each direction may be sent simultaneously over one wireĮxample: The first quadruplex system was invented by Edison in 1874, and in four years it saved more than half a million dollars.ĭefinition: done, produced or occurring once every quarter of a yearĮxample: The quarterly council meeting is tonight.ĭefinition: relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality Synonyms: intelligent, clever, keen, and quickĮxample: He is lively and quick-witted despite his age.ĭefinition: suitable for, or worth quotingĮxample: She remains highly quotable in my family. Synonyms: kingly, monarchical, having royal rankĮxample: She was one of the Nereids, and distinguishable from the others only by her queenly attributes.ĭefinition: representing the most perfect, or typical example of a classĮxample: He was the quintessential tough guy and self-contained.ĭefinition: quick in participation and understanding: mentally alert Synonyms: intelligent, clever, quick-wittedĮxample: A major crash was avoided thanks to quick-thinking drivers.ĭefinition: fit for or appropriate to a queen Synonyms: eccentric, unconventional, unusualĮxample: Her quirky sense of humor was apparent on the show, and she quickly became a fan favorite.ĭefinition: the act of making a sensible decision very quickly, especially in a dangerous, or difficult situation Synonyms: able, capable, competent, and fittedĮxample: She is highly qualified for this job.ĭefinition: characterized by peculiar, or unexpected traits, or aspects Positive Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe a PersonĪlthough Q adjectives are kind of rare, some adjectives that start with Q to describe a person below are commonly used.ĭefinition: meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office, or position Check how many of these Q adjectives are familiar to you. Q may be one of least common letters used in English, but we managed to compile the following list of adjectives starting with Q below for you.

negative adjectives to describe a place negative adjectives to describe a place

Negative adjectives to describe a place full#

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with QĪdjectives That Start with Q – Full List (71 words).Negative Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings.Negative Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe a Place.Negative Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe an Event.Negative Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe a Person.Positive Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings.Positive Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe a Place.Positive Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe an Event.Positive Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe a Person.Adjectives That Start with Q – Full List (71 words).

Negative adjectives to describe a place